Case Study: Ruschil & Bailly



Based locally to me in Crouch End, North London - Ruschil & Bailly are a Luthier workshop that works to produce the finest violins, violas & cellos in the world, taking the English violin-making tradition into the 21st century.

They create their unique model instruments using the finest materials and highest standards, inspired by the great Italian makers of the past.

Luthier and owner Antoni Ruschil reached out to me wanting high-end product photography of their violins and cellos - for use on his website, for customers to have for archival purposes, and for when on sale at London’s prestigious auction houses.



With the violin and cello hand delivered to the shooting space - special care os taken when lighting the instruments due to their delicate handmade nature, and the fact that the materials used are high-gloss, making each part of them very reflective when capturing product photography.

Each instrument requires between 12 and 13 product photos to capture the character of each part of the instrument, taking two-hours each. After a light retouch and cutting out in PhotoShop and placing on a white background - they are swiftly delivered to the client and the instruments hand collected for safe transit.